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 potato starch

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Dianne Lindsay Posted - Feb 15 2021 : 1:14:03 PM
Dianne from NM here - enjoying my bread making.

What do you think of potato starch instead of rice starch for the brown rice breads? I tried it with my last loaf and it was pretty gummy - maybe underdone. Today for the focacia I used 1/4 the amount called for and it just came out of the oven. Still seems gummy. maybe I just leave it out all together.
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Dianne Lindsay Posted - Feb 22 2021 : 12:23:43 PM
Thank you Ashley
Ashley Posted - Feb 22 2021 : 09:33:38 AM
I see that you mentioned that in a previous post, my apologies. The focaccia does have a thinner consistency, but "thinner than pancake batter" is too thin. Only using 1/4 of the amount of rice starch is likely the reason. The starch is going to absorb the moisture and help bind everything together. I understand that you took it out due to the gummy consistency of your breads. If you take a portion of the rice starch out, you'll need to replace it with brown rice flour. I can't say that the replacement ratio will be 1:1. I suggest starting with 1/2 cup brown rice flour, and gradually adding more until the consistency seems right.

I hope this helps!
Dianne Lindsay Posted - Feb 19 2021 : 1:41:42 PM
No, it's focaccia on pg 137
Ashley Posted - Feb 19 2021 : 09:21:42 AM
Are you using the recipe on p. 32?
Dianne Lindsay Posted - Feb 18 2021 : 10:40:23 AM
Yes, it did rise, and it was delicious. I added 20 minutes to the bake time. It was so runny - thinner than pancake batter, so I wondered about that. It seems like a lot of water to add to the batter. Should I add more br rice flour to thicken it up?
Ashley Posted - Feb 16 2021 : 10:21:33 AM
Hi Dianne, do your breads seem like they're rising at all? The rice breads are pretty moist, but you shouldn't feel like you're chewing on a piece of gum. The first place I'd think to troubleshoot is to make sure you're getting rise out of your batter. Once you've determined that rise isn't an issue, I don't see a problem with experimenting with different starches to bind the brown rice breads, it'll just take a little tinkering to get the ratio just right.
StitchinWitch Posted - Feb 15 2021 : 1:24:26 PM
I used potato starch in gluten-free baking. It's wonderful as long as you don't add too much. I used it in addition to the main flour (sorghum).