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 Gathering up Equipment

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YellowRose Posted - Mar 20 2018 : 06:10:45 AM
I received my Wild Bread book yesterday and this morning I ordered four items from Amazon. The Glasslock 3.75 mix-bowl will not be delivered until 4/6 - 4/13.

The Pyrex 8 cup measuring cup, digital thermometer, and 1/8 cup coffee scoop in two days.

Will make due with glass bowl on hand until I receive the correct size bowl. All other supplies that are not now in my kitchen will have to wait until I build up my stash of shopping money.

I signed up for Prime so enjoyed free shipping. The free shipping paid for the digital thermometer. Amazon did not offer the ThermoPop but I'm satisfied with the one I ordered. The large LCD display is a plus for me.
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
amyartgirl Posted - Nov 11 2023 : 4:13:59 PM
A MJ bread newbie here. I needed to tweak my equipment some too. I have a large, wide mouth Mason jar, a large enough square bowl for the jar to fit, my bread towel, and used a smooth wooden chopstick to stir. I also could not find my 1/8 c scoop, so used my 1/4 c one and a half times. I am using white rice flour.

MaryJane Posted - Nov 02 2019 : 09:07:49 AM
Absolutely Rachel, one should always start in a thrift store. $1.69 is a great find. I was in our local second-hand stores yesterday looking for magazine props and found just what I needed ... and then some:)
RMHayes Posted - Nov 01 2019 : 7:40:00 PM
Thrift stores can be a budget friendly option for getting some of the bakeware. I found an 11" glass pie plate to use in place of the 10 1/2" Marinex baking dish (~$22 from Amazon). It works great and cost me $1.69. I picked up two 2-Qt round lidded baking dishes at Big Lot's today for $7 each.
Ashley Posted - May 28 2019 : 08:20:56 AM
I think your oven is too hot to use as a substitute for a proofer. Most of the time, you'll be just fine keeping your mother at room temperature, as long as you're within to 70-73 degrees Fahrenheit (21-22.7C per a conversion calculator) range. Your room temp is a tad below that, but do you have a warm spot that you can keep your mother? If your house is drafty, or you don't have a spot that is slightly warmer than your average room temperature, I think a proofer will be worth it.
RoslynSim Posted - May 24 2019 : 10:40:56 PM
I've ordered the equipment and am eagerly awaiting its arrival :). Can I please ask another question? I am trying to decide whether the proofer is more of a want or a need so I'm figuring out possible alternatives. My oven can be set at a fairly low temperature. Because I was unsure of the accuracy of its thermostat, I ran it with a tiny cup of water for an hour and then checked the water temperature with my digital thermometer - it read 94F (35C). Is that too hot to be a viable substitute for a proofer? It's nearly winter here in Australia now - the air in my kitchen is currently 68F (20C) and we keep our heating at about that level. Thanks!
Ashley Posted - May 17 2019 : 09:27:38 AM
I think the round Pyrex you found could work. When we were first testing recipes, we used a glass baking dish with a similar shape. The main reason we switched is because we preferred the shape of the loaves baked in the 2-qt bakeware. For the loaf pan, it is a little larger so your loaves will be wider, longer, and shorter than those baked in a 1.5-qt loaf pan.

Something to consider is that you don't need both--you could get away with the loaf pans (you will use the loaf pan in the Advanced Breads Section to store your Refrigerator Mother). It looks like the seal on the loaf pan you found has a little vent, which could come in handy once you're keeping a Refrigerator Mother. The seal on the Glasslock containers is airtight, whereas the lids on the Pyrex loaf pans allows for some airflow/off-gassing, so having the option to open a vent on the Glasslock will be handy.
RoslynSim Posted - May 16 2019 : 2:19:55 PM

Capacity 1.75L = 1.85 quarts, dimensions 28.6cm x 15cm x 7.5cm = 11.26" x 5.91" x 2.95"
RoslynSim Posted - May 16 2019 : 2:09:11 PM
Thanks so much for your reply, Ashley!

Here's the everten link for the round pyrex: https://www.everten.com.au/pyrex-ultimate-round-container-with-glass-lid-1-65l-white.html They're only 7 cup capacity.

Here's a glass lock loaf pan: https://www.everten.com.au/glasslock-oven-safe-30617.html I think it's a bit bigger, though - is it too big? I'll try to find the one you mentioned too.
Ashley Posted - May 16 2019 : 08:25:12 AM
The shipping would be a hurdle and add expense for sure. Unfortunately, I'm unable to visit the links. I did search for the product descriptions and found a few.

For the Marinex replacement, I found this: https://www.everten.com.au/o-cuisine-flan-dish-27cm.html it's a .au, so I'm hoping you're able to view it. It's the same brand as the one you found, but a smidgeon bigger.

I couldn't find the round Pyrex container using the description in the link you posted. How does the capacity compare the the 2-qt Pyrex Bakeware Dishes?

I also couldn't find the Glasslock pan by using the description, but I did find one that is oven-safe and 6.3 cups, which is comparable to the loaf pan. Does the one you were able to find look similar to this?

The dimensions are listed as 8" x 6-1/4" x 3". If this is comparable to the one you found, I'd say it will work. Your loaves will be a little wider and a little shorter than those baked in a Pyrex loaf pan.

For the flour-sack cotton towels, they're a lightweight cotton. You'd be best served making them out of muslin. Terry would sop up too much moisture, and be prone to souring, and canvas is too heavy.
RoslynSim Posted - May 15 2019 : 7:36:06 PM
Here's a few possible equipment substitutions for Australia - would you be able to tell me if they're appropriate?

Instead of Marinex baking dish:

Instead of 2-qt Pyrex Bakeware Dishes with Lids:

Instead of 1.5-qt Pyrex Scultpted Loaf Pans with Covers:

Also, can you please tell me what a flour-sack cotton towel is like? Could I make some from muslin or terry towelling or canvas?

Thanks again!
RoslynSim Posted - May 15 2019 : 6:32:10 PM
Lots of the online options have really ridiculous shipping, but I'm doing some hunting... Here's something that might interest other Aussies: http://wildsourdough.com.au/product-category/wild-sourdough-equipment/
Ashley Posted - May 11 2019 : 08:41:37 AM
Are you able to shop online? A lot of the equipment can be found at Amazon.com. If the specific products are unavailable in Australia, we included dimensions and volumes whenever possible, so maybe search using those?
RoslynSim Posted - May 10 2019 : 3:46:28 PM
Anyone know how best to get the equipment to Australia?
YellowRose Posted - Apr 25 2018 : 10:06:34 AM
Ashley I'm grateful to you and MaryJane for your care in picking out equipment. Y'all did a good job.
Ashley Posted - Apr 25 2018 : 09:25:27 AM
I'm so glad to hear you've found dual purposes for your equipment! It's always scary taking the leap into a new endeavor and making an up-front investment, but we really spent time to seek out cost-effective equipment and used standard sized-items like the loaf pans and 8-cup Pyrex dishes wherever possible.
YellowRose Posted - Apr 25 2018 : 06:44:32 AM
Just a thought on what I spent on what I needed to get started on my adventure of making Wild Bread. I had to stretch my budget but in the end I am so happy with my choice to begin my Mother and learn to make batter bread.

The 8 cup measuring cup I have used several times in canning broth. It holds exactly what I need for 4 pint jars. It also came in handy for measuring chow-chow to can in pint jars.

I haven't baked anything in the Pyrex baking dishes yet except for the batter bread but I know come next winter all kinds of good things will be cooked in them.

Everything or most everything in my kitchen has to do double duty and my baking equipment is doing just that. Well worth the money I spent.
YellowRose Posted - Mar 22 2018 : 12:53:57 PM
Rec'd 8 cup Pyrex measuring cup, 1/8 cup coffee scoop, and meat thermometer today. So much fun to get things in the mail. Reminds me of ordering things from Sears catalog when I was a kid in the 1940s.

3 1/2 qt mixing bowl is in Texas about 100 miles from me but sometimes that last 100 miles can take two days but again I may get it tomorrow. Tomorrow would be good then I could start my Mother on Sat. I have chosen Sat as my day to bake.

Unbleached flour was on sale today so I got 20 lbs when I grocery shopped. Two 5 lb bags for $4. After I know what I am doing when it comes to caring for Mothers and baking bread I hope to be able to buy better flour.
YellowRose Posted - Mar 20 2018 : 11:05:31 AM
Thank you Ashley.

I'll add the 1.5 qt Pyrex loaf pan to my growing list.

Ashley Posted - Mar 20 2018 : 10:33:00 AM
Hi Sara, It sounds like you have a great start on your equipment. The late arrival of the Glasslock bowl is a bummer. I went to Amazon to check out if there was another seller that might ship faster, but had no luck. I also checked out http://glasslockusa.com/ They have the bowls in stock, but with shipping, the bowls are about $12 more, and it looks like you don't get a delivery estimate until checkout.

On a fun, positive note, when I was looking at the Glasslock bowl on amazon, under their "Frequently bought together" heading, they list the Glasslock bowl, Marinex baking dish, and 1.5-qt Pyrex loaf pan with lid. This sure seems like Wild Bread has been influencing some product sales, which tickled us pink here at the farm. :) Maybe that's part of the reason your Glasslock bowl is going to arrive later than everything else?
YellowRose Posted - Mar 20 2018 : 07:09:50 AM
Good morning MaryJane! Thanks.

I forgot to say the 1/8 measuring cups are in a set of 3 so I can filled them with flour and line them up in a row so I make sure I have 3/8 cup. I never enjoyed baking because of all the precise measuring - I'm more of a handful of this and a pinch of that kind of FarmGirl so anything I can do to make measuring easier for me is a good thing.
MaryJane Posted - Mar 20 2018 : 06:33:10 AM
Once Ashley gets in I'll ask her where else you can buy the Glasslock and have it arrive earlier. Easy enough to make-do as long as the base fits into the baking dish for water uptake.

Good morning Sara!