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 Ashley's recipe for Cinnamon Rolls

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PaneCreatore Posted - Nov 09 2018 : 3:25:23 PM
I attempted Ashley's recipe for Cinnamon Rolls today and they turned out beautifully. I even snitched a bit off of one corner of one of the rolls, and I couldn't be more pleased with the rise, the bake and the flavor. Thank you Ashley for all your work to bring us such fabulous results. .
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - Mar 17 2020 : 09:59:32 AM
Oh, yum! These look delicious!
2loves4furbabes@gmail.com Posted - Mar 15 2020 : 5:14:47 PM

I started a wholewheat mother 2 weeks ago and I managed to make some delicious cinnamon rolls using the above recipe. Slathered them with homemade cream cheese frosting...yummmmm
PaneCreatore Posted - Nov 11 2018 : 07:57:59 AM
Yes, the date filling was really delicious. I mixed up the date filling in the food processor and then put it in the proofer with my bread that was rising and it stayed warm and so easy to spread once I had the dough spread out and ready for the filling. Only one cinnamon roll left. I guess Joe and I will share the last roll with coffee for brunch break. :). Thanks Ashley!
Ashley Posted - Nov 11 2018 : 07:50:30 AM
These cinnamon rolls look wonderful—thank you for sharing your pictures! All of the testing was fun, and in the end, worth it. I’m particularly fond of the date filling. I like how well it stays in place—butter and sugar fillings wanted to melt and sink to the bottom of the pan, leaving the cinnamon rolls lacking in cinnamon flavor.
PaneCreatore Posted - Nov 11 2018 : 05:17:50 AM
Thank you MaryJane. You two have created a cinnamon roll that's yummy to the extreme! I do appreciate all the drawing board experimentation and time that went into your cinnamon roll creation. Thank you, thank you!
MaryJane Posted - Nov 11 2018 : 05:11:12 AM
We had you in mind when we perfected this recipe because I know how much you love a good cinnamon roll. Every time we made a batch, I'd ask, "Is this texture, flavor, etc. what Janet would love?" If not, we went back to the drawing board. I'm so very pleased you're not only pleased but took a minute to share your results.