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 8. Fruit & Nut Crackers
 Sea Salt & Rosemary Crackers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashley Posted - Apr 26 2018 : 10:56:05 AM
This week, I decided to play with a new cracker rendition. This time, I set out to make a crisp, savory cracker. The majority of the dough is counter mother, and then I added a lot of fresh rosemary, honey, and sea salt. Then I added flour until the dough was soft, but I knew I'd be able to roll it out easily. Here are a couple pictures of the process.

Here's the dough before proofing.

And here it is 1 1/2 hours later, after proofing.

I divided it in to 12 pieces.

Then I started rolling dough. The trick here was to get the dough really thin--almost to the point that it's paper-thin.

I experimented with various methods, sizes, and oven temperatures. When I cut them into small squares, many of them puffed up like little pillows. Unfortunately, the crackers in the center cooked faster than the ones on the outside. I also tried cutting the dough into 4 long strips, but the edges really curled in during baking. I tried pressing them by placing a baking sheet on top of them during baking, but the crackers didn't cook to crisp perfection this way.

Finally, what I found worked best, was cutting a sheet of dough into 6 rectangles, lightly brushing it with olive oil, sprinkling it with flake salt and baking at 400°F.

I want to experiment with at least one more type of flour, and then I will type up an official recipe.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - May 11 2018 : 09:16:26 AM
Yesterday, I posted a recipe for these crackers using white flour and Einka under wild Bread, Book II Recipes. These crackers are truly delicious. I thought the white-flour crackers had excellent flavor, and was blown away by the flavor of the crackers made with Einka flour.
Ashley Posted - Apr 27 2018 : 08:41:16 AM
I'm looking forward to testing this recipe with a second flour. A nice change of pace from cinnamon rolls. :) These were pretty dangerous on the kitchen counter with the lid to the container left open...
PaneCreatore Posted - Apr 26 2018 : 2:30:03 PM
Those look like the perfect snack Ashley. Look forward to your further experimentation and recipe. Thanks for sharing.
Nelle Posted - Apr 26 2018 : 2:09:10 PM
I’ve always wanted to try making homemade crackers! I will look forward to trying these when you share the recipe!
Ashley Posted - Apr 26 2018 : 12:55:40 PM
Thank you! They're really simple to make, just a little time juggling baking sheets. I was so happy that there was rosemary in full bloom in MaryJane's greenhouse. So pretty!
YellowRose Posted - Apr 26 2018 : 11:29:37 AM
Oh, I want to make these crackers as soon as my new rosemary plants grow to harvesting size. Ashley the crackers look delish.