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 Rice Starch

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tanisneufeld Posted - May 09 2020 : 8:17:03 PM
I am almost ready to move onto advanced breads using my brown rice counter mother. I will convert to a refrigerator mother in a few weeks. Barron Flour Rice Starch is hard to get...can only see it on Mary Jane's Farm website and I live in Canada. Any substitutions? And other way to find it? Thanks! I really want to progress into advanced breads, but many gluten free breads require this rice starch. Any advice or ideas would be helpful!
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Ashley Posted - May 13 2020 : 09:14:37 AM
I'm sorry to hear that the shipping for the rice starch is so expensive. I wish I had an easy, direct substitution for the rice starch. You could try other rice starches, but in my experience, they don't have the same binding strength that the Barron Flour Mill Rice Starch does.

It would require some trial and error, but you could experiment with adding other gluten-free flours to make bread with your brown rice mother. Something with a little binding ability like certified gluten-free oat flour or quinoa flour? Or, have you considered trying a mother with quinoa flour?
tanisneufeld Posted - May 12 2020 : 6:35:51 PM
Thanks, Ashley!
My next dilemma with purchasing Barron Four Mill Organic rice starch is that I live in Canada. For one bag of rice starch on Mary Jane's Farm online store is that shipping for one bag of rice starch is $41.69! That is not a shipping cost that I can afford. I read in Wild Bread that this is the only brand that they recommend using...is there any other brands that others have had success with? Or any other tips for making gluten free bread in the advanced section. I am terribly disappointed that Canadians don't have good access to this rice starch. Hopeful this group might have some ideas!
Ashley Posted - May 12 2020 : 09:39:57 AM
The shelf life on the rice starch is 1 year. Each bag has approximately 3 cups of rice starch, so you will be able to make a few batches of bread.
tanisneufeld Posted - May 11 2020 : 4:00:41 PM
Thanks, Ashley. I will purchase some rice starch from MaryJaneFarm website. Do you know the shelf life of rice starch? It looks like you could make about 4 recipes of sourdough from one bag of rice starch.
Ashley Posted - May 11 2020 : 08:53:12 AM
Hi Tanis,
The Barron Flour Mill Rice starch is unique to MaryJanesFarm. I wish I had a substitution for you, but while there are other rice starches out there, they don't perform in the same way. When developing recipe for Wild Bread we tried other rice starches hoping that a more widely available item would work, but the results were superior using the Barron Flour Mill Rice Starch.