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 Cast Iron Skillet Bread

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Elisabeth_P Posted - May 21 2020 : 8:47:16 PM
Last Saturday was my bake day, and because of plans we had later that day I decided to make the skillet bread instead so I could just bake it on Sunday.
We were able to have outdoor church, so before we left for church at like 9:30am (we have to get there early to make sure everything is set up) I took my skillet bread out of the fridge and into the cold oven, set the oven start timer for 12:10pm and for it to bake for 30 min instead of 40-45 like the book calls for. I tried to plan it where the oven would turn off right around when we got back. It had been off for about 8-9 min when we got home, and when I peeked at the bread looked done just needed a few more minutes to brown.
Anyways it rose very well!! I just looked at the pictures of my first skillet bread post before I did this one, I was amazed at the difference!!

P.S. The family loved it
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Ashley Posted - May 22 2020 : 10:57:30 AM
Wow, It definitely rose well! What delicious looking bread!