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 Bara Brith

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaryJane Posted - Feb 22 2018 : 07:32:38 AM
I took a loaf of Bara Brith out of the freezer last week.

This loaf is made from Einka--100% whole wheat heirloom Einkorn wheat that was grown organically in Washington State.

My SIL claimed the loaf after I enjoyed a couple of slices (we have a Fair Game fridge at the farm). He's been eating a slice for breakfast every morning along with with a bowl of yogurt that we routinely make for everyone here--a gift from our Jersey girls, M'Lady, Anna, and Miss Daisy.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nelle Posted - Apr 04 2018 : 11:21:47 AM
I am trying the Bara Brith Bread today! It is raising in the pans right now. I could not seem to find currants when I was shopping and so I substituted them with dried cranberries. I hope that will be alright?! It sure looks and smells lovely!
Sylvia Jacobus Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 08:37:13 AM
Just wanted to let you know the Bara Brith bread loaves turned out beautifully and are so delicious. I did mix the specialty flour with the kamut. Just playing,
No doubt you both are anxious to have the book out there and people baking. So far, I am thrilled with the recipes and the taste that me and my family are experiencing.
I am pleased with how my two starters are behaving.
I will make some lemon curd, oh wait, somewhere is a recipe for orange curd? That would be the "cat's meow" on this bread. And here I thought I would freeze one loaf for future entertaining............