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 Parker House Rolls- Timelapse Video

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Elisabeth_P Posted - Feb 17 2019 : 4:55:00 PM
So yesterday I made the Parker House Rolls again. But instead of making 12 large rolls I made 24 smaller rolls. I liked the size better! They turned out great! When I put my flour in to knead, it was very wet and sticky. I ended up adding probably 1 cup extra, for some reason didn't want to stop sticking to my hands and make onto a nice ball. I knew the Parker House Rolls were suppose to be soft so I tried to make sure I didn't add to much and make them dry. They turned out perfect I like to think! Ashley, I think this is the most "complements" I have had on my bread yet! Everyone LOVED them! Anyway I also tried my hand at making a timelapse video. Hope y'all like it!!

Here is what the rolls looked like after they finished baking!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Elisabeth_P Posted - Feb 19 2019 : 8:50:10 PM
Thanks!! Yeah it was hard to judge the rise, so I just did it two hours like the book says. If I would have made just 12 I think they would have probably made it to the top of the pan before the two hours were up.
Ashley Posted - Feb 18 2019 : 08:44:19 AM
The rolls look delicious! They do look like they're super soft. In your video, when you put them in the pan, they kind of just settled and pooled together. In your final picture, they have great definition between the rolls. It looks like the rise was awesome, especially since you made 24 small rolls instead of 12!