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T O P I C    R E V I E W
herbalady Posted - Dec 11 2024 : 1:29:06 PM
I’m a new member from Ct. with lots of questions after having my starter going for a few weeks now. I used to make sourdough bread years ago and want to bring it back.
I was a mother of 5 and gramma of 9 always growing organic produce, fruit, berries and tons of herbs for my family, friends and have a vegetable stand.
I became an herbalist 40 years ago and still make remedies for my clients. Recently I started learning to make baskets and pottery and now have a small addition on my herb barn to do this
I raise 25 ducks and sell their eggs to our local coop
I’m excited to get started on this journey
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaryJane Posted - Dec 12 2024 : 07:01:23 AM
Welcome herbalady!!! With all you've accomplished so far, sourdough bread making seems right up your alley. Maybe you could sell duck eggs AND wild bread.