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T O P I C    R E V I E W
christy86 Posted - May 11 2021 : 04:33:23 AM
I found Wild Bread a couple weekends ago through a ebook deals email I get regularly. I feel like I’ve stumbled across a treasure!!! I’ve been wanting to try a sourdough starter for awhile but been intimidated by the varying instructions/advice out there. This one is so simple and logical and I love learning so much history too! I can’t wait to actually start, but I’m in the gathering equipment phase and deciding when I can start so I’ll be around for feedings. I find it suspicious that as I’m looking up different dishes, many seem to be sold out! And suggested purchases on Amazon are all in line with what appear to be common substitutes, lol. You will probably see me posting some questions soon about equipment and recipes and such! Very happy to have found such a useful forum for help in implementing this process! Thank you! - Christy
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - May 17 2021 : 09:08:23 AM
That's great! Kamut is an excellent choice. It has such a wonderful nutty aroma and ferments well. Some have had issues with lactic acid overgrowth, but this is usually remedied by making sure your room temp is warm and spending just a little extra time stirring your mother at each feeding.

Sounds like you're on it with the equipment. Were you able to find a replacement for the marinex at a thrift store?
christy86 Posted - May 15 2021 : 09:23:52 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome! I am super excited! I've decided to start with Kamut, and just ordered the whole wheat bread flour from Montana Flour. I've also got a 5lb prokeeper and another airtight container on order from King Arther to store the remainder in until I need it. Now to hit some thrift stores to see if I can find a nice replacement for the Martinex!
Ashley Posted - May 11 2021 : 09:32:24 AM
Hi Christy! I'm so happy you stumbled on Wild Bread. I can't wait to hear more from you, and how the process goes when you decide on the best time to start. Rounding up the equipment can be tricky, but I'm all about finding make-do solutions. If you have any questions, or just need a place to bounce ideas around, I'll be here.