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 How's your mother liking your weather?
 July 9, 2018

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashley Posted - Jul 09 2018 : 09:31:11 AM
Good Morning! The sun is shining here and it looks like its going to be a wonderful, warm day!

My oldest daughter, Adria, has been busy cooking pancakes this morning. She is being very precise with her timing, and has figured that each pancake needs to cook for 5 minutes on each side.

I feel a litttle spoiled, because she delivered this plate right to the kitchen table for me.

My youngest has been busy playing with marbles this morning and every couple minutes, she bursts out in a bout of laughter.

The girls and I will likely do a bit of sewing today—we’re working on a full-length sundress for Adria. Naturally, we’ll need plenty of breaks to soak up a bit of sunshine.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - Jul 10 2018 : 2:05:58 PM
They were delicious! She's having a blast in the kitchen. I love watching her piece it all together!
Sylvia Jacobus Posted - Jul 10 2018 : 12:13:02 PM
I'm drooling over Adria's pancakes. She is always welcome to cook at my house. Loved seeing her in the latest magazine.