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 How's your mother liking your weather?
 May 31, 2019

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashley Posted - May 31 2019 : 08:02:10 AM
Lately my family and I have been busy nesting. Today, we received our turkeys and are working getting them settled into their new home. We’ve spent the morning listening to their baby turkey chatter and making sure they’re drinking and eating. Within the first 15 minutes, I noticed they have a habit of looking up and getting distracted by the “up” so much that they start walking backward and tumble. They’re also very keen to investigate everything, and not at all shy to run up to anything new and give it a peck.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - Jul 15 2019 : 08:51:53 AM
It's been just shy of 2 months and our turkeys have grown substantially. Saturday, we moved their brooder out onto the lawn for the first time (everything I've read talks about how sensitive turkey's immune systems are, so they need to be introduced to the outdoors later and slowly).

This was the first time our beagle, Lucky, paid them any mind, and it seemed to dawn on her that we have babies. She camped out next to their brooder while they were out, watching over them (she's always been a sucker for babies).