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 Gluten-Free Flours
 Milling Brown-Rice Flour

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashley Posted - Feb 13 2018 : 4:07:33 PM
We were getting low on brown-rice flour this week, so I pulled out our trusty WonderMill Grain Mill, which is truly easy to use. The mill itself and the flour canister connect together with a short flour hose located on the lid assembly for the flour canister. Connect those two pieces, make sure the lid to the flour canister is secured, add the small foam filter to the lid of the flour canister, plug it in, and you’re in business!

(excuse all the small appliance clutter in the background, we also process a fair amount of butter using the cream from MaryJane's cows, hence the two food processors)

I usually mill 5–6 cups at a time, to make sure I don't overfill the flour canister. Once the machine is all set up, I switch it on and slowly pour in whatever grains I'm milling.

Note: for smaller grains like quinoa, you'll need a quinoa attachment that will throttle the flow of grains through the mill so it doesn't get overwhelmed.

After less than 10 minutes, I have several cups of freshly milled brown-rice flour!