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 Beginner Breads
 3. Beginner Batter Breads
 Kamut Batter Bread
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Posted - Jun 14 2018 :  11:02:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
On week 3 of keeping a new Kamut mother, it seemed pretty active and bubbly, so I decided to give batter breads a go. I had a feeling that my mother wasn't quite active enough to rise the breads to the edge of the pan, but I wanted to see how much rise I could get out of them.

Here is my mother the morning of Bake Day:

Here are the loaves right after they went into the proofer:

See the little bubbles already forming on the top?

2 hours in the proofer:

4 hours in the proofer:

5 hours in the proofer:

Note that not much rising occurred between the 4 hour and 5 hour mark, and a couple of the bubbles in the center look like they might deflate if left longer. This was my cue that it was time to bake them.

And fresh from the oven:

Ashley Ogle
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