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 March 18, 2019
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656 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2019 :  09:22:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good morning! The sun is shining, the birds are singing--it looks like spring may be flirting with us in our little corner of the world. There's still plenty of snow on the ground, but it's starting to recede a bit. My girls were out with their sleds to yesterday to enjoy it while they can. Alina was also making "snow pies", while not-so-secretly yearning to make mud pies. Hopefully soon!

Ashley Ogle

97 Posts
Burlington NC

Posted - Mar 18 2019 :  10:05:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That sounds like fun!! It is starting to feel like spring here! I planted my seeds Friday, and today when I checked on them (they are inside the house) some of the cosmos seeds had already sprouted!! I mostly planted cosmos, cockscomb, and strawflower seeds, but I also planted some cotton seeds (I don’t know yet what I will do with my cotton? I really just wanted to plant it for the “experience”) and some tomato seeds for my dad. They were ones that he and my brother had saved from a tomato they liked last year. Hopefully they will all sprout well!
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656 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2019 :  4:43:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It sounds like you have a good mix of flowers. I wasn’t sure what cockscomb was so I had to look it up—it’s really pretty! I’d totally grow cotton as an experiment too. I’m curious to hear about how your cotton does! For years, celery was my personal challenge. It seems silly, but I started some one year thinking it would be easy, but it wasn’t. It takes forever to sprout and when it does the little sprouts are so small and tender. Once it finally gets going, it’s pretty hardy. I just learned to start it really early and start more seeds that I think I need.

It’s getting close to time for me to start seeds too. We’re also going to put in a couple rows of raspberries. I’m definitely looking forward to being able to play outside in the dirt!

Ashley Ogle
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97 Posts
Burlington NC

Posted - Mar 25 2019 :  10:48:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thought I would share a picture of how my seeds are doing. The tallest are the cotton plants, the the short ones beside them (top half) are the tomatoes, then cosmos, strawflower, and cockscomb in order to the left. My dad and I are going to transplant them today to bigger cups, so they will get a good root system and have strong stems:)
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656 Posts

Posted - Mar 25 2019 :  5:05:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They’re off to a great start! The cotton plants look so interesting. I’m sure the tomatoes will love being transplanted. They grow so spindly really quickly, but bulk up after the stem is buried a bit. I still need to start my seeds, but I’ve been wrapped up in hanging drywall in our turkey coop. We finally have it all up, now we just need to mud and paint. I should get my starts going in the next week or so. It’s starting to look like spring here, there’s a bit of green grass where that snow has melted away, and I’ve definitely been hearing birds that I haven’t heard for months.

Ashley Ogle
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97 Posts
Burlington NC

Posted - Mar 26 2019 :  06:21:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh sounds like your turkeys are going to have a beautiful coop! I always find it amazing the difference in the start of seasons on different sides of the USA:) I remember one time on Raising Jane, MaryJane posted a picture of the beautiful strawberries y’all were harvesting and our strawberries had been gone for a while.
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656 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2019 :  09:53:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, it is funny how different the seasons are. Brian walked down to the garden last night (searching four our dog who decided it was a good night to howl at the moon--that's what we get for naming her Luna), and said that all of our garlic is rowed up. The snow just melted off of the garden yesterday, so we weren't entirely sure if it had sprouted. My strawberry plants are just starting to green up, and some of the perennial bulbs (tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths) are starting to poke through the soil.

Ashley Ogle
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97 Posts
Burlington NC

Posted - May 18 2019 :  2:59:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I thought I would share a update on how my flowers and cotton is doing! They are growing well!! Some of the cosmos have buds on them!!

Edited by - Elisabeth_P on May 18 2019 2:59:31 PM
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