Does anyone have advice on how to swirl a loaf ? I tried this with wholewheat and white and landed up with air pockets. I'm thinking the white mother rose faster than the wholewheat, and am contemplating roll it in the opposite way. It still tastes amazing !! This technique would be similar to a swirled rye bread, if that helps the description any. Thank you !!
I think this is really cool and the texture of your bread looks amazing! I like your idea of reversing the whole wheat and white—I bet you're right and the white bread dough rose faster than the whole wheat. I think it would also lay the sheets of dough on top of each other and gently roll over them a few times with a rolling pin to squeeze out any air pockets between the two.
Hi, Ashley Thank you for responding ! I will definitely try that the next time I bake. This swirl idea was to try to incorporate the more dense wholewheat with white so that my husband would eat both ;)...Thank you again ! Karen Hyde