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 2. Creating a Wild-Yeast Starter (Mother)
 my counter mother isn't passing to the fridge
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Boise ID

Posted - Dec 01 2020 :  4:19:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, I'm into week 8 with my whole wheat counter mother and week 7 with my white. I've made several breads and they all rise but I cant get the counter mother to pass the test to go in the fridge. We did have a few very small mishaps. My mom brought over pizza and we didn't think about the mother, but that was weeks ago. I also missed a few feedings. One on Thanksgiving night because I moved her to the barn office (to bring in yeast bread) and one a month ago.
Maybe I'm doing the test wrong. On bake day morning I take out the four tablespoons into two jars. I'm doing that before I feed the mother that morning. Can you help? I've read the book over and checked the chat room and don't see an answer. Thanks, Lisa


656 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2020 :  2:52:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lisa,
I think at this point, your mother should be ready to convert to a Refrigerator Mother. Here's a bit of supplemental information that might be helpful: http://www.maryjanesfarm.org/download/wild-bread/admonitions/admonition1.pdf

I wouldn't sweat the pizza—especially if it was weeks ago and you didn't notice a change in your mother afterwards. As for the missed feedings over Thanksgiving, I'd keep an eye on your mother to make sure it doesn't start to develop mold. If it doesn't, and your Bake Day this week is successful with comparable results to your recent Bake Days, it has probably bounced back.

Ashley Ogle
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5 Posts
Boise ID

Posted - Dec 02 2020 :  3:03:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay thanks, I was hoping to get my dinning room table back so I can decorate for Christmas. I will do a normal bake day this week and then transfer my mothers to the fridge. Fingers crossed!

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656 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2020 :  10:30:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope it's a success and you can have your table back! It's always a bit of an exhale when you can move it to the refrigerator and scale back to those 1x/week feedings.

Ashley Ogle
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