174 Posts
Posted - Mar 02 2018 : 11:24:34 AM
Did you know the plural for ciabatta is ciabattas (chah BAH tahs) or ciabatte (chah BAH tay)?
Today, is a ciabatte kind of day. Why? It's March 2 and winter came in like a lion.
Here's what the path to my greenhouse looked like this morning when I decided I needed to harvest more Tat Soi for some comfort food: Cheddar from my Jersey girls, eggs from my Buff girls, red onions from last summer's garden, and some ciabatte buns from our freezer.
In our Advanced Breads section, you'll find several recipes and how-to photos for making ciabatte (pages 100- 103).
Einka sandwich buns: made using organic whole wheat heirloom
White: made using our Organic White Flour--Specialty Unbleached)
Kamut: made using organic 100% whole wheat flour
Sprouted: made using organic 100% sprouted wheat (check out the RISE on this one!)
MaryJane Butters, author of Wild Bread ~ for we were all one family then ~ |