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 Wheat Berry storage
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Sylvia Jacobus
62 Posts
Kent WA

Posted - Mar 13 2018 :  09:14:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I needed to find the best storage of wheat berries that my kitchen could handle. There isn't room for a 5 gallon bucket which can easily hold 25 lbs of berries. But what my cabinets can't store, my little closet can.....
A lot of grocery stores, Costco, etc. do give away food grade buckets. Found a Gamma lid which fits onto 3.5, 5, and 7 gallons buckets at Home Depot. They're black. Even if you don't like the color, they are half the price of other retailers. So there are choices: freebies, cheap from Home Depot and HD Gamma lids. Gamma lids are the screw-off type.
I did order Kamut berries from Montana Flour. Cheapest price including shipping, fast service as claimed by other customers. Have also experienced super customer service from Bluebird Grains and fast shipping. Always makes me smile when I discovered companies who value their customers.
The closet will easily hold two buckets. It's only a few steps away from where I make the dough.

Bread is like the sun. It rises in the yeast and sets in the waist. Unknown author

61 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2018 :  10:24:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Reminds me of Grandma's pantry years ago. All sorts of bulk supplies stored in there. Good ideas Sylvia. Tough tank containers are being used here. I used to make wine and these were used during fermentation. Food grade of course. I don't make wine anymore so, I put my flour in bags, freeze for about 48 hours, then place in the Tough Tank in a cool place and store my flour. Yes, Montana Grain, MJF Baron Flour Mill, and Bluebird Grains have all been great to work with.

"Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts." -James Beard

Edited by - PaneCreatore on Mar 13 2018 10:44:49 AM
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173 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2018 :  10:29:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good idea Sylvia, thanks for sharing the details. Anyone remember storing grain in 5 gallon buckets for Y2K? I was so ready. I'd said to the heavens, "Please, take our cars from us." The morning of Y2K, nothing. Not any kind of course correction at all. Fun memory. Seems like another life time ago. I wonder what happened to all the experts who convinced us 'they knew.'

MaryJane Butters, author of Wild Bread ~ for we were all one family then ~
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61 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2018 :  10:49:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone else use Bay leaves in their flour and storage to keep weevils, and moths, etc. out of their flour? I even lay bay leaves on my cupboard shelves where I store flour.

"Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts." -James Beard
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173 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2018 :  11:04:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My hand is up in the air! It's what my mother always used.

MaryJane Butters, author of Wild Bread ~ for we were all one family then ~
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