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 par baking

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jimlisa Posted - Nov 24 2024 : 12:14:58 PM
can I par bake my rolls to finish later?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wildbreadadmin Posted - Dec 01 2024 : 05:18:10 AM
I'm sorry I missed this. I was busy baking! And making flower arrangements, polishing silver, etc.

I also made Parker House rolls this Thanksgiving (they're the perfect recipe for Thanksgiving and for turkey sandwiches the next day). Actually, I made them over the course of several days because of time constraints. Every time I was called away, I simply put whatever stage I was at in their creation into the fridge. Also, I used maple syrup instead of honey.

Yes, of course you can parbake them, but I used my refrigerator instead so that I had hot rolls fresh from the oven at the very moment dinner was served.

I also made a tray of Parker House rolls without eggs because my 4-year-old grandson is allergic to eggs. I flattened the dough into circles, put a pat of butter (he loves butter) on each one, and then folded them over. I forgot to take a finished photo, but they rose beautifully and he loved them!

